SB21: TouellSkouarn - Blokañ Tube Ringmod
TouellSkouarn is a french modular manufacturer based in Brittany and names his products in the Bretan language. The Blokañ is a tube based ring mod with an analog VCO capable of some pretty extreme audio FX. With a modulation inputs for the VCO pitch as well as a dedicated output for the VCO. This was a prototype so no news on availability or price just yet.
SB21: La Voix Du Luthier
The Voix Du Luthier resonators are interesting amplification devices. Based on technology originally designed for the Ondes Martenot, they use wooden resonators and soundboards rather than actual speakers. They have developed some new models that offer a wider ferquency range, plus now available in black!
SB21: Neuzeit Instruments - Quasar
At the Superbooth 2021 Neuzeit Instruments unveiled an innovative module, the Quasar. It is a binaural 3D audio mixer that moves the sounds around your head, with voltage control of all parameters. Again, pre-order is now open.
Superbooth21 at the Bungalow Dorf
This years Superbooth2021 was going to be special - everyone knew this upfront i think!
It has not only been a while we all couldn't come together, but the time in between was a challenge in many ways for all of us.
In close cooperation with the Superbooth team and the participants at Bungalowdorf we went new ways, stretching the event further across the FEZ estate to create more individual space. And finally we learned that all this could work out quite nicely which was a true relief at this point.
All associated companies found their own ways to present themselves out in the Bungalowdorf in little cozy huts. We had good conversations, mid night jam sessions and nice gatherings at the end of all days around the counter of our own beer cart which came to be the social center of the Bungalowdorf.
Now we are all looking forward to building upon this concept making it even better for the next time.
Thanks to everyone who joined in, it was a real pleasure this time!
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