Adaptor cable: 3,5 mm stereo male, 2x mono female
We now also offer adapter cables from 3.5mm stereo jack male to 2 x 3.5mm mono jack female.
Neuzeit Instruments Quasar Firmware Update 1.10
Neuzeit Instruments just released a new firmware update for the Quasar. Download it here.
*** NEW FIRMWARE 1.10 ***
- Quasar 1/2 Split view - see both QSR1/2 next to each other
- New LFO waveforms:
--- Random with Slew (25%, 50%, 100%)
--- Random with Jitter (10%, 50%, 95%)
--- Random CV Trigger with Slew
--- Envelope Follower with adjustable Bandpass frequency
- LFO and env.-follower speed range adjustable (Slow, Medium, Fast)
- LFO Sync to CV clock (from 64 clk/cycle to 1 clk/cycle and up to 16 cycles-per-clock)
--- You need to configure the CV clock as mapping target of either CV1 or CV2 first
--- LED rings show the clock status by their color:
--- --- green: CV clock present, LFO is running
--- --- yellow: CV clock changes tempo or has more than 10% jitter
--- --- red: CV clock not detected, LFO not running
--- --- white: LFO is in SYNC mode but CV1/2 are not mapped to this LFO’s CV clock[/list]
- IN1/2 Mono/Stereo Mode
- CV Map amount up to +-200% instead of +-100%
- Filter in Hz instead of %
- Volume in dB instead of %
- LFO „Random“ waveform generates a new random value that is at least 15% different to the old value
- Small changes regarding the LED ring colors
Fixes and improvements:
- Big encoders have different sensitivities depending on the current menu, especially handy for selecting options
- Brightness below 25%, dark blue of LED rings went completely off, stays blue now
- Saving a preset with empty name gets „User Preset“ as default name
- CV Trigs with duration < 3ms were ignored. Now, also really short Trigs are recognized.
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