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Wowa Cwejman at Schneidersladen on the 5th of July, 2018

Please subscribe to our newsletter in which we already recommended the upcoming Wowa Cwejman workshop at SchneidersLaden on the 5th of July.

Four new modules will be presented. You can find all the event details here.


Brighton Modular Meet 2018

Meet our brands ACL, AJH Synth, Analogue Systems, Doepfer, TouellSkouarn and Verbos Electronics this Sunday, 1st of July, at the Brighton Modular Meet 2018!



SND ACME-4 workshop video

Tom Körting's SND ACME-4 workshop video is now online.

Animal Factory Amplification Distortion Workshop

Subscribers of the Sound on Sound Magazine already have access to a 17 minute video of Divkid having loads of fun with the modules of Animal Factory Amps. In a few weeks it hopefully will be available to the public as well.

In the meantime, please check out the video of the wonderful presentation of Aditya himself at SchneidersLaden. We are happy to see that his modules and pedals get quite some love.

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