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Doepfer A-100 Basic System 3 P6

The new basic system from Doepfer is a return to Dieter Doepfer's original vision of analogue modular synthesis. Modules can be connected via front panel audio and CV connectors and used in infinite combinations. The Basic System 3 is an easily accessible and well-structured system that can be used by enthusiasts and beginners alike.

It can be used as a base for exploring sound synthesis and electronic sounds, or as a supplement to delve deeper into different types of synthesis. For example, it is possible to create 4-part paraphonic patches or create complex sounds using the ring modulator. Percussion and drum sounds can also be created in a variety of ways alongside the classic synth sounds. The system's two filters can also be set to self-resonance to provide additional sound sources. The Waveshaper can be used to modify simple sounds and change their overall timbre. As each user's personal requirements are different, blank panels are installed that can be replaced with modules. This means there is no need to buy a new cabinet.

The following modules are included in the basic system 3:

The following Patch cables are included:

The modules are assembled in a A-100P6 Suitcase with built in power supply and bus boards.


6U-eurorack modular system with 2 rows of 84HP, filled with the A-100BS3 basic system

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