SynMag "A guide to Modular Worlds"
This book is about synthesis, the underlying technical specifications with added interviews of artists and manufacturers.
Sound Synthesis, Oscillation and Waveforms, Wavetables, Samples, Filters, Distortion, Resonators, Amplification, Effects, Modulations, Envelopes, LFOs, AM, RM, FM, PD, Arpeggiators, Sequencers, Modularity, Jacks, Racks, Voltages, Gates, Clocks, Triggers, CVs, Interfaces, MIDI, Analog, Digital, Hybrid- & Software-Designs, Polyphony, Literature, Rhythm Sources and much more.
In other words, all you want to know for a good start into the worlds of patching your own sound ideas with Modular Synthesizers, conventional Synthesizers and Software Synthesizers!
TouellSkouarn Strakal Silisiom available now
The new TouellSkouarn Strakal Silisiom is available now!
It is composed of two different fuzz circuits.
- 2 Different Fuzz circuits sharing the same controls
- Morphing between the 2 Fuzz circuits (cv controlled)
- Russian NOS Silicon Transistors
- All analog
Genki Instruments & Supercritical Synthesizers
This video shows the Genki Instruments Wave ring in combination with the new Supercritical Synthesizers Neutron Flux Filter.
This patch has a LFO modulating the Antumbra Knit (a miniature Mutable Instruments Plaits) which has a single low frequency saw wave triggering the filter pings. Both cores of the filter are in use and spread with the stereo control. After the filter it goes to a miniature Clouds.
The Wave ring's rotation movement controls the filter FM and the gate starts and stops the tape. The control signals are tapped from the wavefront module.
Supercritical Synthesizers Neutron Flux
The new Supercritical Synthesizers Neutron Flux 8 Pole Variable Character Filter is a 12hp skiff friendly Eurorack filter module with a stereo analog core and digital control over it. The digital control allows the core to be shaped almost endlessly, taking on the character of almost any classic filter, and gives the filter the ability to explore sounds that have never been heard before.
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