Black Corporation ISE-NIN Voice Breakout Eurorack Module
Brekout for the ISE-NIN Voice
The output section of the ISE-NIN BREAKOUT is a perfect match for the voice. Each waveform for each oscillator has its own independent instrument, as does each envelope and the inverse of envelope 1, each filter and slope, each LFO waveform, noise and low noise, and mix. There's also a dedicated headphone output so you can enjoy ISE-NIN without waking the neighbours. You'd be hard pressed to find as much tonal range, as many distinctive vintage Japanese tones, or as much expandability with as much horsepower as ISE-NIN VOICE and its BREAKOUT.
Stromverbrauch: 0mA auf +12 V und 0mA auf -12 V
Tiefe: 38mm
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