New Doepfer modules
We are happy to announce that four new Doepfer modules are available now: the A-135-3 VC Stereo Mixer, the A-183-4 Quad Level Shifter, the A-130-8 Octal Linear VCA and the A-133-2 Dual VC Polarizer.
Newsletter July 2020
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Robert Lippok on the Karussell
On the 30th of june Robert Lippok performed on the Karussell during late afternoon at Adam Chalks cozy gallery space GH36 located in Berlin's Mitte district.
The six modular systems comprising the Karussell were put together with the support of Alex4. It contains a complete portfolio of our brands: ACL, AJH Synth, Analogue Systems, Animal Factory Amplification, Cwejman, Doepfer, E-RM,, Eowave, Flame, Frap Tools, Genki Instruments, Humble Audio, Kenton, TouellSkouarn, Verbos Electronics and Vermona.
This was only Robert's third engagement on a larger modular synthesizer. It was very interesting to see how quickly he anticipated and found his way to play the Karussell. Listening to the recordings afterwards proofed again how well it works out to just let yourself go for a while, tape everything and browse the recordings later to see what you can find to involve into your musical work. We all had a beautiful afternoon there with Adam and look forward to share more sessions with you!
Flame - Mäander
We are pleased topresent two videos of the Flame Mäander showing its workflow and MIDI functionality.
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