Ticket Sales for SUPERBOOTH23
Thank you for your interest in visiting us on SuperBooth23!
The tickets will be available here online in pre-sale as long as stock lasts. If there were still tickets available when the event has started, they will be offered at the cash desk on the event. Please keep in mind that you support us with an early purchase during the pre-sale.
With each of the tickets you can enter the event on the whole day from 10:00 in the morning, enjoying all exhibition areas in- and outdoors and stay until the very last night concert has finished. Tickets do not need personalization anymore.
If you have additional questions regarding the tickets, you can also write an email to "ticket @".
Alex4 Distribution GmbH
Lessingstr. 98, 100 – Haus 11
13158 Berlin
Tel +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 40
Fax +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 49