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Verbos Electronics Noise & Filter

A simple noise generator and 4 band fixed filter bank.

The noise is generated by a 23 stage Pseudo Random Sequence Generator. Though technically not random, it takes many minutes to repeat. It uses digital filtering to make the signal content roughly equal in all octaves, or Pink Noise. This type of signal is useful for making percussion sounds as well as sweeps.

The noise is normalled to the Filterbank input. The cutoff frequencies are matched to the Bark Filter, so that four bands of the Bark Filter correspond to a band on the Noise & Filter.

There are four frequency ranges which can be thought of as low, low-mid, high-mid and high:

  • below 630Hz
  • from 630Hz to 1.7kHz
  • from 1.7kHz to 4.4kHz
  • above 4.4kHz

It is a small and quick noise source and pairs well with Scan & Pan and Amp & Tone. 


Power consumption: 85mA at +12 V and 40mA at -12 V

4 HP

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