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Tobinski LFOs

The Dual LFO Module from Tobinski combines two low-frequency oscillators, each based on Electric Druid technology: the TapLFO3C and the LFO10. This module provides a wealth of modulation possibilities, with flexible synchronization, waveform shaping, and dynamic CV control to suit any Eurorack setup.

The TapLFO3C (left side of the module), syncs to an incoming pulse, allowing precise alignment with external clocks or rhythmic triggers. Its built-in frequency multiplier/divider further extends its range, enabling intricate timing patterns. The output can also be set to +-5v bipolar or 0v to 10v unipolar.

The LFO10-based LFO, on the other hand, resets to an incoming pulse, ensuring repeatable, synchronized modulation. The output can also be set to sample and hold mode allowing the LFO waveform to act as the signal to be sampled and the reset pulse to act as the sample trigger.

Each LFO features 16 selectable waveforms split into two banks of eight, accessible via manual switches.


  • Two independent LFOs: Electric Druid TAPLFO3C and VCLFO10-based.
  • Sync clock input (TAPLFO3C) and reset pulse input (LFO10), including S&H functionality.
  • 16 selectable waveforms per LFO, split into two banks of 8.
  • Frequency control with both freeform setting or multiplier/divider.
  • Waveform skew, control for asymmetry.
  • Switchable wave shape smoothing.
  • Level control of output amplitude.
  • Dual CV inputs per LFO with attenuators and destination selection.
  • Cross-modulation via normalled CV routing between LFOs.


Power consumption: 40mA at +12V and 45mA at -12V and 11mA at +5V

Depth: 27mm

12 HP

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